Friday, December 29, 2006

I cannot type in chinese here, but i hope the idea that i am trying to bring across is the same.

There's a certain nostalgia that is attached to whatever that defines Hong Kong. Like an old block of building that is juxtaposed right beside certain huge shopping malls, that creates this weird balance of old and new, and yet at the same time, the constant clash of what's is in the history and what is presently true.
The Old present in the site of the new. Culturally, HK possess this schizophrenic identity of whether it belongs to China or as a British Colony. This is vlearly evident in the everyday lives of the people living in HK.
Just an attempt to live like a local. but really, does it work? let me upload more pictures in days to come.

Monday, December 18, 2006


有好多朋友问我, 圣诞节送什么礼物呢? 所以, 就让你们看一看咯...


原料有: 1. 巧克力2. 葡萄干

3. Gummi Bears!

4. 花生
5. 向日葵子
6. 将巧克力慢慢的溶化
7. 完成品 (看不清楚)8. 小卡片
9. 巧克力盒子
10. 一切东西都是需要包装的

小小心意, 让雨天迷漫的新加坡圣诞, 增加一点点的温暖 (我好象在写广告词...)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


原来长期全职的主持一个节目, 会是挺费力的, 所以我还是必须休息的

但是, 周六爱上部落格还是必须做下去的

我那天就开始想, 怎么样让节目更有趣, 然后就突发奇想, 让这个节目完完全全成为"我自己" 的, 就得让我把我自己推销出去, 把更多我所碰到的事, 和大家分享


我的手机的相机功能不太好, 拍出来的照片都有一种灰蒙蒙的感觉, 但我又同时喜欢这种似有似无的效果 (我不是找借口啦
以灰灰的角度来看这个世界,不将它分成黑与白, 应该是比较理智的人生观吧...

有点恐怖的小熊娃娃, 还有迷失的小孩... 蒙蒙的没有方向